Wednesday, January 31, 2007

30 January - At sea - 10 degrees - 53 degrees 47 minutes South

I got up early again to photo the comet, but the only part of the sky in cloud was the part where it was supposed to be. My jetlag is lessening, so I am integrating a bit better now, although I do enjoy having naps in the afternoon.

Dad and I took some photos off the back of the ship this morning of some albatross and pintados.

29 January - Auckland Islands - 12 degrees Celcius - 50 degrees 8 minutes South

I woke early and went out to try and see the comet that is in the southern skies at the moment. The dawn was rising so it was a little faint but still impressive. I had no luck getting a photo but I will try again tomorrow.

It's exciting to me right in the middle of the ocean. The swells are about 3 metres, I guess and the boat is definitely rocking around. This feels EXACTLY like being drunk, lurching around the room to find something to hold on to. I am careful to leave all my valuables on the ground so they can't fall.

We had a call that whales were off the port side, but I had no luck seeing them. It is pretty and fresh up there though, with clear blue skies and the birds flying around.

In the afternoon, we kitted up and jumped into the zodiacs for a trip around Enderby Island in the Auckland Islands.

The sun came out especially from the clouds for our ride and seemed to darken as soon as we got back in. Enderby is a major breeding sites of Hooker Sea Lions and as we approached Sandy Bay we got a great view of the beach, with the hulking beachmasters, paler females and dark pups. Some had ventured up onto the grass and tussock as well. I tried to get some photos of them diving in and out of the water, but wasn't fast enough. It is odd how sleek they look in the water, but so clumsy on the beach.

Further around the coast we came across some Auckland Island Shags clinging to the rock face.

As we headed back, we got beaten back to the boat by another zodiac, so we cruised back to Sandy Bay for another look. We were lucky enough to see three Yellow Eyed Penguins hiding in the tussock. They were pretty shy, but it was exciting to see my first penguins! I can't wait to see some more.

28 January - Invercargill 15 degrees Celcius

Dad and I spent a leisurely breakfast at the local cafe and then went for a walk around Invercargill. We played some pool and won two games each. I'm glad to know there is someone out there who is as poor as me at it.

We climbed onto the bus at 2:30 and left a cold and wet Invercargill behind. The other passengers are much older than me, so I'm feeling slightly awkward, although they all seem very friendly and nice. We boarded the Orion in Bluff.

It's pretty much a five star hotel on a boat. Apparently there is something like 100 passengers and 75 crew, including waiters, porters, bar staff, and so on. So this isn't quite as adventurous as I might have hoped. We had a lifeboat drill, orientation and dinner and then I pretty much passed out. The jetlag is still hitting me and I start fading pretty strongly from 5pm on.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

25 January - Amsterdam - 2 degrees Celcius

It was cold and dark when I left the house and caught a taxi out to Schiphol. Everything went smoothly on both the flight to Singapore and from there to New Zealand. I was far more entertained than I expected on the flight and didn't experience the boredom I normally do on long haul.

I was drilled by customs coming into New Zealand wanting to know why I was there for only two days and how I could afford to go. The laxity of Heathrow has never been more attractive.

27 January - Auckland - 25 degrees Celcius

The jet lag has me out by four or five hours, so I woke early. I had breakfast with Mum and Jack and then Mum showed me around her garden, which is looking fantastic.

The weather is warm and a little humid. We drove to Mission Bay to meet Richie and I instantly regretted not bringing togs - I can't wait to hit South Melbourne Beach.

One thing I miss already about Europe is an ozone layer. After three hours in the sun at Mission Bay, my arms and face are sunburned.

Richie's puns are as bad as ever ("Juno much about Alaska?") but it was great fun to hang out. I also got Richie's Christmas presents, mainly consisting of Hasbro toys. Glad to see his employer contributing to the spirit of Christmas. Still more than I can say about ABN AMRO and their flash Christmas party.

I passed out on the flight to Christchurch and was woken by the steward to turn off my iPod as we were landing. Dad was already there and we grabbed a quick beer before the flight to Invercargill. That night we went to a nice local seafood restaurant then I went to bed as I was exhausted. Woke up during the night a couple of times to Cory and his girlfriend in Room 407 kindly revealing the close and personal intimate details of their relationship. :-/

Friday, January 19, 2007

Welcome to Penguin Hunting

Tot ziens! I'm locking up my bike, mooring my boat and leaving Amsterdam for three weeks in Antarctica. I've set up this blog as a record of my trip and as a way to stay in touch while I am away. I'm hoping to make a few updates down there, as amazingly, there is internet access on a boat at the bottom of the world. Ain't it cool?

Expect loads of photos, chatter about my dad and descriptions of life at sea, penguins, icebergs and all-day sun.