Friday, February 16, 2007

14 February (Valentine's Day) - at sea - 10 degrees Celcius - 51 degrees 38 minutes South

I woke up this morning and read the day's programme to see that at 3:30 pm, I had been booked in to lead a discussion on my adventure yesterday. I spent the afternoon whipping a Powerpoint presentation together, looking through my photos to find decent illustrations. I duly turned up to present it and got told it was a bit of joke and they weren't expecting me to do anything! I talked anyway and it was a lot of fun.

We got creamed in the trivia today, but our closest rivals didn't win either, so I think we are still tracking to be overall winners [smug look].

In the evening, we had a Valentine's Day masque ball. Some people put a real effort into their masks, so it was great to see what everyone was wearing.


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