Sunday, February 11, 2007

8 February - at sea - -1 degree Celcius - 72 degrees 03 minutes South

I was about to write that not much is happening today as we are at sea, but then the computer slid out from underneath me. We are travelling north thorugh pack ice and the captain has pulled the stabilisers in so we are rocking quite a lot! I have just put all our valuables and breakables on the ground, but Dad is up in the gym, so I hope he hasn't lurched off an exercise bike. A call came over the system "Hello, everyone [cue crash and a squeal in the background] Uh, yeah, obviously we are experiencing some swell, so please secure your cabins..." I was spreadeagled over the desk holding laptops, glasses and cameras. Our biggest roll was 20 degrees.

Today has mainly been attending lectures and trying to post to the blog. Whenever I turn up in the lounge with my computer to use the internet, someone comes over to compare photographs, so it has been taking a while.


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